

fresh flowers are the best...


if only...

everyone lived by this motto....


sweet mama moments....

I am 37 weeks pregnant now...the countdown is ON!


list maker...

My name is Katlyn and I am a list maker...I have to make them to make myself get  motivated to become productive on a day off...with baby on the way, the list seems to be getting longer and longer but my energy level has been slowly decreasing. Oh well...one day everything will be accomplished on the lists...


too pretty...

to eat..but holy crap they are cute...I wish there was a place here that made specialty cookies like these...or I wish I could I make them. ;)

miu miu

I will take each of you....miu miu fall 2011 collection


you know...

Have you ever just sat back and really looked at the people in your life? The ones who are always there for you, made you who you are, and who you can turn to with anything?  I have been SO extremely blessed to have the family and friends that I have.  I have an AMAZING set of parents that I really don't know what I do without their guidance and constant love, a sister who has taught me so much (especially when it comes to all things MOMMY), a BIL who does all that he can to support his family (working crazy hours), and a husband who also works his booty off and who will make a great daddy in the next 6 weeks!  AHHH....sometimes you just have to take the time to realize how blessed you are....I know I have!

Come On Fall...



this about sums up my day... =)



Reality is setting in that I am going to be a mother VERY soon...and I think the quote above describes exactly what other mothers have been telling me about this whirlwind adventure we are about to embark on.  I will never see the month of July or celebrate the 4th without a baby ( I do that after every holiday or someones birthday). I am so excited, nervous, anxious...every emotion possible I am feeling.  I cannot complain about my pregnancy...I have really felt great. I haven't had morning sickness (thank you Jesus!) I have had a alot of swelling in my feet and ankles, but with this crazy hot weather and working on my feet 8 to 10 hours a day...I knew it would come with the territory.  With all of  this being said I  know I am very blessed girl and I appreciate everyone's kind comments and advice....